How bout we remove all fuel taxes on diesel fuel, so the truckers can deliver stuff without going broke? At least until the "fuel crisis" is abated.

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Please address the Geoengineering issue! No other candidate is willing to be brave. It is real and it is important to address this issue in the context of climate change.

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Gavin Newsom’s chances of being elected president are on par with Andrew Cuomo and Bill DeBlasio, while being far south of never gonna happen Hillary Clinton.......... but let’s hope he keeps living in fantasy land through November if it gives you a better shot of winning in November in CA......

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

Michael needs to develop a short, pithy answer to the interviewer's question about what would happen to the fent smoker on the street. I'd begin it with, "He'd be taken off the street. He's breaking the law." Start with the tough, then go into the love.

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Why are you a Democrat?

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Governor Newsom has been responsible for rising homeless rates since he was mayor of SF. Despite billions of dollars that problem has only gotten worse. This reflects a lack of effectiveness in his leadership and our representatives. Sacramento is far too left and the bills they produce that end up on Newsom’s desk are more harmful in the long run. The entire California political machine is corrupt and needs to be overhauled. I support Michael because the status quo isn’t doing anything except sucking us dry.

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your big assumption is that we still have free & fair election process... think you would have an excellent chance if this were true.

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California has always been called the bell weather state. The urban crisis, drug epidemic and failed mental health is not by far a new crisis. Decades have led here. I repeat, the VOLUNTEER clause, as police officers told me, is the problem, In addition, police should NOT be handling the afflicted.

I do not agree with your position on nuclear power, but will probably vote for you because this urban crisis and our non-treatment is too huge to ignore and there is few addressing it. As for nuclear power, I think distributed power solutions, decentralizing, is a key. Until we completely exploit waste as a power source, we should look no further until which time we find we need to supplement.

Look at San Antonio project and Marin somewhere.

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