The Manhattan Institute website also has some great articles under their "Energy & Environment" tab on the costs associated with solar and wind, mainly related to the necessity of expanded mining for rare earth minerals used in fabrication (as recycling likely not feasible), fossil fuel input for both manufacturing and transport (mot to mention backup), and the costs, difficulties and hazards associated with decommissioning and disposing of defunct panels and turbines. Very eye-opening.

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This interview presents some key points from Apocalypse Never in a very clear fashion. I hope that more such interviews take place.

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Today, environmentalism mimics religion in its identification of humans as sinners against nature, its calls for personal redemption via expensive lifestyle changes, its claims that environmental issues are moral imperatives, and, with the predicted global warming apocalypse, it has its biblically-proportioned Armageddon. As with most religions, environmentalism also has its false prophets and its extremist eco-warriors. 

Los Angeles Ecopolitics Columnist

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